Project activities

Several activities are to be carried out in the project area along the Drava River between Maribor and Središče ob Dravi: restoration of backwaters, oxbow lakes and river inlets, creation of a network of new aquatic habitats, removal of overgrowth and silt on gravel bars, restoration of species-rich dry grasslands, rejuvenation of typical forest stands and purchase of land subjected to lateral river erosion. Some of them will be left to natural succession processes, while others will acquire the function of favourable feeding and breeding habitats as well as migratory corridors. With suitable measures will shall directly improve the condition of nature and revitalize the cultural landscape and, in turn, improve the state of indicator species and habitat types in an unfavourable position.

A quality interpretation shall also be established, with emphasis on education and awareness building in terms of the significance of the Drava vital riparian and river ecosystem, nature conservation, cultural heritage and landscape. This will be related to the Drava cycling route and will greatly enrich this type of tourist capacity in the area. Within the project framework we shall set up three information centres, several interpretation grounds, nature-educative trails and interpretation points, and make a promotional film. The project activities are correlated with the complementary project of the restoration of Borl Castle, specifically with the interpretation points. Visits to the interpretation pints will be free of charge for visitors.

The project activities also concern major improvement of the status and conservation of eleven plant and animal species: Flat Bark Beetle, Ground Beetle, Italian Crested Newt, Yellow-bellied Toad, European Pond Terrapin, Greater Horseshoe Bat, Red-backed Shrike, Creeping Marshwort, Green Club-tailed Dragonfly, Eurasian Beaver and Eurasian Otter. We are also restoring four habitat types: rocky grasslands on basic soils, semi-natural dry grasslands and shrub phases on carbonate soils, riparian willow, alder and ash stands, and riparian oak-ash-elm woodlands.


