Accessibility statement
RDA Podravje - Maribor bind themselves to warrant the accessibility to the website in line with the Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications Act to all users.
This accessibility statement relates to the website
To provide for the requirements concerning website accessibility, some adjustments have been systemically made, such as:
- responsive web design (adjusting the layout of the screen resolution content),
- display of content for users of assistive technologies (e.g.: screen readers, braille bar),
- keyboard navigation (customization for users unable to use the mouse),
- suitable colour contrasts (between text and background),
- increase of the colour contrast (use of black text on white background), use of white text on black background),
- change of the font size and thickness,
- display of colours in greys,
- predictable operation of the website,
- possibility to equip images with substitutive text,
- enabled use of different levels of addresses.
Degree of compliance
This site is partially compliant with the Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications Act owing to the exceptions listed below.
Unavailable content
We constantly monitor the accessibility of the website and continuously improve individual elements of accessibility. Some published contents, however, do not meet all accessibility requirements as stipulated by in the Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications Act.
Examples of this kind of contents:
- some contents depend on external services over which we have no influence (Google Maps, YouTube video ...),
- some image texts are not equipped with alternative text (ALT),
- documents in PDF format.
Preparation of the accessibility statement
This statement was made on the basis of a self-assessment on 24 November 2020.
This statement was last updated and reviewed on 15 December 2020.
Feedback and contact information
A notification on possible cases of non-compliance of publications with the provisions of the Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications Act and requests for information in an accessible form is to be sent to the e-mail address
Enforcement proceedings
In the event of unsatisfactory responses to any notice or request sent in accordance with Article 8 of the Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications Act, a report can be submitted to the information society inspectors.
Information Society Directorate
Ministry of Public Administration
Tržaška cesta 21
1000 Ljubljana
Last change: 1.12.2020